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Dynamic Demand Control explained in 60 seconds


Help dynamic demand in Parliament

We are currently working to update this page, as there have been several recent developments in the House of Commons and House of Lords relating to dynamic demand. Visit our news page and subscribe to our email list to receive news about these developments.

Meanwhile, it is still very useful for you to ask your MP to support dynamic demand in Parliament. Use the link below to find out who your MP is and send them a letter using your browser.

To make your letter as effective as possible, here are some points you should include:

  • Say why you think the Government should look further into the technology - more info
  • Invite them to support the Bill by also signing Early Day Motions 388 and 391 - more info
  • You could also let them know they can access more information on dynamic demand at: http://www.dynamicdemand.co.uk

MPs really do listen to their constituents so your letter could make all the difference.

Write to your MP

1. Press to go to a page showing your political representatives.
2. Then click on "Your Member of Parliament"

Link provided by WriteToThem.com


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Dynamic Demand is an independent not-for-profit organisation
set up by a grant from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and supported by charitable donations.